DoubleTree Hotel
Hidden Peak Climbing Gym
Duncan Center for the Arts

The Duncan Center for the Arts
Roosevelt and Morgan Streets, Chicago, Illinois

Completed 1995 for the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago.

An existing social services center in the impoverished near South Side of Chicago. The program reclaimed the building for a theater, dance, music and center for the written word for the neighborhood African-American community. The center was doubled in size, adding a 200 seat theater, and expanding an existing daycare facility. Altay Architects worked with the Duncan and YMCA staff over a two year period developing the program and presenting the case for the center in the fundraising process. Additional projects for the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago include, The Latoff Family Adventure Center and Littlefuse Fitness Center (DesPlaines, Illinois); "Camp Yahoo!", children's fun and short term daycare (Ford City Shopping Center, Chicago, Illinois); "Lifetime Learning Centers" (Chicago/Roseland, Chicago/Austin neighborhoods), and proposals for new regional YMCA's in Chicago (Kozciusko Park and Ford City).

Theater   Reception   Front   Daycare