Thirty years of climbing, rigging, construction and design experience gives us unique skills in evaluating and reporting exterior building and facade conditions. With multiple system types and materials, both modern and historical facades present special problems.

Our ability to drop buiding exteriors by a direct rappel method allows us to eliminate the cost of scaffolding and swing-stage use until repairs are actually needed. This is especially important since the City of Chicago requires inspection of buildings faced with terra cotta every four years.

Reporting required under the Facade Ordinance requirements of the City of Chicago is done to identify areas requiring immediate attention, and to plan for long term phased care and maintenance.

Investigation made by direct rappel allows the entire building be evaluated in a short period of time. A staged plan of maintenance and repairs can be prepared based on the specific conditions. The facade can be documented point by point and repair costs estimated or bid from the reporting.

The advantage in knowing the relative severity and recommended timeframes for different conditions means a work plan can be made ahead of time rather than ad hoc on the suspended platform.

When extensive repairs are necessary, design and repair can be placed under a single source contract, when appropriate.

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